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Year 6

Year 6

Here is this week's Enquiry learning for you. This week we have included an important, life-saving CPR learning module. What an amazing life skill to learn!

Year 6

Here is your Enquiry work for this week with some more transition activities for your Secondary school. 

As always, have fun!

Year 6

This week, we have set you some tasks that are transition specific to Carlton Academy and Carlton Le Willows, with example maps and timetables.

TCA Map and Timetable

ClW induction

Year 6

We know that quite a few of you have lots of questions about your move to Secondary school. This week, we have set you some tasks for transition so that we can provide you with as many answers as possible.

We will be setting at least 2 transition activities each week now to help prepare you for your next exciting adventure.

For the Music activity, Mrs Wright has sent everyone's log in to your parents on Class Dojo message. YUMU looks amazing- Mrs Wright and I were singing along as we planned this last week.


Year 6, 

From this week (8th June), you will be completing slightly different activities each week. Some of you will be in school and completing these, but we wanted to ensure those of you at home are receiving the same activities. As the weeks go on, some of the tasks will begin to focus on transition to Secondary, therefore it is important to have a go at all of these.

