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Mr Betts' Maths Challenge

Welcome to Mr Betts' optional Wednesday Maths challenge for children in both Years 3 and 4. 

The video lesson is below for you to watch and take part in - I hope you enjoy it!

The activities below are the activities that the Maths teacher, Gareth, talks about at the end of the video. 

Don't worry when he talks about 'yesterday' in the video, you haven't missed anything. Instead of doing one lesson per day, we do one of these lessons per week. So last week's lesson is 'yesterday's' lesson!

Have fun exploring the Maths challenge and upload to Dojo later.

Multiplication, I know... so... Y3 & Y4

In this video we look at connections between multiplication facts. Multiplication is shown using arrays and then we use the phrase 'I know... so...' to show ...
