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Class 2

Welcome to Class 2

Zephaniah class

Welcome to Zephaniah class! One of three Upper School classes at Porchester junior.


My name is Miss Heathcote and I have the pleasure of teaching Year 5 and 6 again this year!








The author behind the name...

We are named after the brilliant author....


Benjamin Zephaniah








As a child, Benjamin Zephaniah enjoyed the reggae music and poetry of Jamaica through the influence of his parents. He has dyslexia and when growing up, found it more difficult to read and write. As less was known about dyslexia, Zephaniah left school at the age of 13, unable to read or write. However, this did not discourage his love of expressing himself through poetry and storytelling. Despite his struggles, he persevered and developed a deep passion for writing books about untold stories which explored significant cultural and historical events.


 His most famous children's book is Refugee Boy, the story of the life of Alem, a young refugee who has come to Britain to escape the fighting in his country.


His other children's books include: 


You can find out more about Zephaniah’s lastest book Windrush Child in this World Book Day interview with him!


You can find out more about Benjamin Zephaniah and his work at:


We will be updating this page, throughout the year, to keep you informed about all the interesting and exciting learning the children in Zephaniah class are getting up to. 
